has taken all necessary steps to ensure that your credit card details are kept safe and secure. We do not release or sell your personal information to any unauthorized party. This is backed by our Privacy Policy. All transactions are secured by SSL encryption.
In addition, is validated by the Thawte Trusted Site Seal and obtains McAfee SECURE Certification with McAfee SECURE. This certifies that is a trusted site and all transactions made through are safe and secure.
Both the Thawte Trusted Site seal and the McAfee SECURE logo appear as icons on, and by clicking on these icons, you will be able to view details of our SSL Web Server Certificates and get real-time confirmation of the validity of these certificates. You may also click on the padlock which is displayed on all our payment pages to view these details.
For further information on the Thawte Trusted Site Seal, please go to the Thawte website, and for further information on McAfee SECURE certification, please go to the McAfee SECURE website.